STP Reporting

How do I enable the ATO Integration for Single Touch Payroll (STP)?

As you are using cloud-based software (ie this payroll software) to report STP, you need to establish a connection between the payroll software and the ATO. This will ensure STP events are recorded correctly and transmitted seamlessly to the ATO. The connection to the ATO relies on communicating your software ID to the ATO. 

  1. This is displayed during the STP registration process as well as clicking on Payroll Settings.
  2. Next under  ATO Settings select Electronic Lodgement & STP tab.

The method used to connect to the ATO depends on who is lodging STP for the business. The options are listed below.

Scenario 1: STP events lodged by the employer

As an employer, there are 2 options of how to provide the ATO your software ID: 

Option 1: Update details via Access Manager

Log in to Access Manager using your myGovID credentials. You will need to be the principal authority or authorisation administrator in Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) to use Access Manager.  

  1. Select My hosted SBR software services from the left hand menu;

  2. Select Notify the ATO of your hosted service
  3. Search for Employment Hero Payroll in the list.
  4. Select the ABN link of Employment Hero Payroll in the list.
  5. Enter the software ID and select Next.
  6. Read the Notification statement then select Save;
  7. A green success message will appear on the next screen to confirm success. 

Option 2: Phone the ATO on 1300 85 22 32

You must be prepared with the following information:

  • proof of record ownership (for example personal TFN, date of birth, address, recent ATO-generated notice);
  • your Australian business number (ABN) or, if you are a registered tax agent, you can use your registered agent number (RAN);
  • the name or ABN of your software provider, and
  • your unique software ID (provided by your software provider).  

Scenario 2: STP events lodged by a registered Tax/BAS Agent

If a registered Tax/BAS Agent is lodging STP events on behalf of the business, the software id MUST be linked with the registered agent number (RAN) and ABN, not the employer’s ABN. To set up the ATO connection correctly, the registered agent must log in to Access Manager using their myGovID credentials. They will need to be the principal authority or authorisation administrator in Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) to use Access Manager. 

Complete these steps:

  1. Select My hosted SBR software services from the left hand menu.
  2. Select Notify the ATO of your hosted service.
  3. Search for Employment Hero Payroll in the list. 
  4. Select the ABN link of Employment Hero Payroll.
  5. Enter the software ID and select Next
  6. Read the Notification statement then select Save;
  7. A green success message will appear on the next screen to confirm success. 

Brands and Partners acting as registered agents

By default, each business has its own unique software ID. A Brand or Partner can change this configuration and rather elect to use the Brand's software ID or the Partner's software ID for any business that uses a registered Tax/BAS Agent when lodging STP events. 

Further information on this can be found here and is only relevant to users with Brand admin or Partner access.

Scenario 3: STP events lodged by an intermediary for multiple employing entities

If an intermediary is being used to lodge STP events on behalf of multiple employing entities created within the one business, the software id will need to be linked against the ABN of the intermediary entity, not the employer’s ABN. To set this up, log in to Access Manager using your myGovID credentials. You will need to be the principal authority or authorisation administrator in Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) to use Access Manager. 

Complete these steps:

  1. Select My hosted SBR software services from the left hand menu;
  2. Select Notify the ATO of your hosted service
  3. Search for Employment Hero Payroll in the list.
  4. Select the ABN link of Employment Hero Payroll.
  5. Enter the software ID and select Next
  6. Read the Notification statement then select Save;
  7. A green success message will appear on the next screen to confirm success. 


If you have any questions, send us an email to