
Nimbus NoahFace Integration



nimbus supports direct NoahFace Integration using their published OpenAPI architecture (see:

The NoahFace interface supports both user synchronisation (provisioning users from nimbus into NoahFace) and

events (sharing NoahFace clocking events across to nimbus).

All interface requests are established from NoahFace by calling API endpoints published by nimbus meeting the NoahFace OpenAPI standard. To achieve this, NoahFace requires access via the public internet to the nimbus instance.


The NoahFace API endpoints require authentication credentials to access the nimbus endpoints – these are authenticated using Token based authentication in NoahFace which utilises a nimbus App Token.

Before configuring NoahFace it is necessary to configure an App Token via the nimbus User Interface – this token will be issued as a GUID, when utilising this token in NoahFace the token can be applied in either of two formats using either the nimbus userID or the username.

User Synchronisation

Create a User Group

NoahFace will synchronising all matching users from nimbus and create them as users in NoahFace – any user that is not provided by nimbus will be automatically removed from NoahFace – therefore it is best to create dedicated user groups in NoahFace which will contain your nimbus users only.

Create a User Group

NoahFace will synchronising all matching users from nimbus and create them as users in NoahFace – any user that is not provided by nimbus will be automatically removed from NoahFace – therefore it is best to create dedicated user groups in NoahFace which will contain your nimbus users only.

Add a Synchronisation

Add a Synchronisation using the following configuration:

Group – (recommended to set) the NoahFace group these users will be added to

Schedule – the frequency you would like the synchonisation to occur (typically Daily or Hourly)

Type - Custom

User List URL – the nimbus URL (see below)

Security – Token

Token – the formatted nimbus App token

User List URL

The URL for requesting users is published by nimbus in the following structures:

For all users:



For users in a specific nimbus location or suffix:



This option allows a filtered list to be returned for one or more locations (comma separated) and/or for a particular username suffix to be supplied (for example, only usernames ending

Add Event Notification

Create a User Group

NoahFace will synchronising all matching users from nimbus and create them as users in NoahFace – any user that is not provided by nimbus will be automatically removed from NoahFace – therefore it is best to create dedicated user groups in NoahFace which will contain your nimbus users only.

Add Notification

Add a notification using the following configuration:

Name – a name to help you identify this integration (such as nimbus Event Notification)

Type - Custom

Notification URL – the nimbus URL (see below)

Security – Token

Token – the formatted nimbus App token

Notification URL

The URL for notifying events is published by nimbus in the following structure:



The matchfield setting indicates which NoahFace property is used as the user identifier – this supports the following options (based on the NoahFace event structure):


userid (also used as default if not specified)



The employeefind parameter indicates which field in nimbus is used to match the employee – this can be any field on the nimbus User object (including UserID, Username, Payroll or any adhoc field), if not specified UserID is used by default.

In addition the following query string parameters are also supported:

&timebasis=utc - to instruct that the event times are UTC (by default they are treated as local times)

&locationmapfield=field - to instruct which property of the nimbus Location object should be mapped against the NoahFace site.

Apply Notification to Access Point Type

In order to generate event notifications, the notification defined above needs to be added as the final parameter to each Access Point Type – ensure this is set, then Update.