Setup and Configuration

QuickBooks Online integration

As a user of QuickBooks Online, you will already be aware that there's no built in payroll functionality available. The good news is, that with our platform you can integrate directly with QuickBooks to import your chart of accounts and export your payroll journals.

Connect to QuickBooks

  1. Log into your payroll platform
  2. Go to Payroll Settings.
  3. Under Business Management click on Integrations.
  4. Click Add QuickBooks Online.
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  5. Click Connect to QuickBooks.
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  6. You will be prompted to log in to QuickBooks online.
  7. Select the QuickBooks file you would like to connect and click Authorise.
  8. Once connected, you can now import your chart of accounts.

Set up your Chart of Accounts

  1. Log into your payroll platform
  2. Go to Payroll Settings.
  3. Select Chart of Accounts.
  4. Click Import Accounts.
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  5. A list of your QuickBooks accounts will show. Tick the accounts you want to use for payroll transactions.
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  6. Next, map your GL accounts.
  7. Now, when you finalise a pay run, your payroll journal will be ready to export to QBO.

Export a Journal

When you have finalised a pay run, you are ready to export a journal to QBO via the integration. 

  1. Log into your payroll platform.
  2. Go to Pay runs.
  3. Open or create the pay run you wish to finalise.
  4. Click the Finalise Pay Run button. There are further instructions here
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  5. In the Finalise pay run dialog make sure Export journals to QuickBooks is selected, if it is not:
  6. Click the pencil icon. 
  7. Select Export to Quickbooks now and click Finalise
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  8. When you return to the pay run screen, click Finalise pay run and your journal will be exported. 
  9. Alternatively, to export your payrun journal to excel, go to payroll settings>chart of accounts and select the Export Journal button. This will download an .xlsx file that you can upload to QBO. View this article for more information on downloading journals. 

Disconnect from QuickBooks

  1. Log into your payroll platform
  2. Go to Payroll Settings.
  3. Under Business Management click on Integrations.
  4. On the QuickBooks online tile, click the red delete icon.  
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  5. Then when asked, confirm to disable the integration. 
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