Screen Configuration

What is the Task Tracking Screen used for in the Noahface App?

Task Tracking Screen

The Task Tracking screen is used to record the type of tasks being worked on throughout the day. This allows you to apply different pay rates to different task types, or to allocate costs to different departments or customers.


The Task Tracking screen will display up to nine task types as a series of buttons. If there are more than nine task types, the last button will say "OTHER..." and this will pop-up a selection window. Users are required to press one of the task buttons whenever they start a task, and the "Clock Out" button when they are finished for the day.


There are four modes of operation: "manual" mode (the default), "auto" mode, "break" mode, and "clock" mode. For example:




In "manual" mode, all task buttons and the "Clock Out" button are always enabled, and tasks are recorded as "Start Task" events.


In "auto" mode, the "Clock Out" button will be automatically greyed out as appropriate, and the first task selected each day will be recorded as a "Clock In" event rather than a "Start Task" event.


In "break" mode, an additional "Start Break" button will be available, and the buttons are greyed out as appropriate just like in "auto" mode. Break mode allows users to record unpaid breaks as well as tasks.


In "clock" mode, users need to explicitly clock in at the start of the day before they can start any tasks.

The list of tasks can be configured by specifying the "tasks" option in the screen details. List items are semi-colon separated, and can be either just a name or a name and a corresponding value (colon separated). For example:


        tasks=Kitchen:20; Counter; Tables:30


If you are synchronising your users with a system that supports global lists, you can specify your tasks by providing the appropriate list number. For example:



You can change the terminology of "task" to something else by specifying the "name" option in the screen details.




You can specify an additional task for default or unassigned work. For example:


        notask=No Project


You can change the text on the Clock Out button by specifying the "out" option in the screen details. For example:


        out=End Shift


You can hide the Clock Out button altogether by specifying the "hideout" option in the screen details. If you do this, the maximum number of visible task buttons increases from nine to twelve. For example:



You can restrict which users are required to select tasks by specifying the "tasktype" option. For example, to require that only those users with a user type of "Engineer" must  select tasks, you would specify:




Other types of users will be clocked in or out without needing to touch the screen at all.


The Task Tracking screen supports displaying a set of policies or work conditions when starting tasks. These policies support a subset of the functionality available in the Compliance screen. Specifically, only tick box and Web page style policies are supported.