Clinical Loading In A Medical School Or Dental School - Full-Time Teaching And Research Level B–E Academic Employed In A Medical School Or Dental School In The Teaching Of Medical Or Dental Students

Higher Education Industry - Academic Staff - Award 2010 [MA000006]

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Allowance Description

A medically qualified full-time teaching and research Level B–E academic will be paid the following loadings:


Employed in

$ per annum

% of annual salary for Level A–1

Full clinical department in a medical school and responsible for patient care



Para-clinical department in a medical school



Pre-clinical department in a medical school



What to pay

$6.44 per hour


This allowance is based on the employee holding a relevant qualification

Should you withhold tax?

Withhold tax from this allowance

Should super be paid on this allowance?

This allowance forms part of ordinary times earnings

Should payroll tax be paid on this allowance?

Include this allowance for payroll tax purposes

How is it treated on the payment summary?

Include this allowance as part of gross wages

How should it be reported for Single Touch Payroll?


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