Engine Driver And Fireperson Allowance - Attending To A Switchboard Where The Generating Capacity Is 350 Kw Or Over

Manufacturing and Associated Industries and Occupations Award 2010 [MA000010]

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Applies from: 01/07/2024

Allowance Description

A boiler attendant, an engine driver or fireperson must be paid the following for:


$ per week

Attending to refrigeration compressors


Attending to an electric generator or dynamo exceeding 10kW capacity


Being in charge of the plant


Attending to a switchboard where the generating capacity is 350kW or over



What to pay

$0.35 per hour up to a maximum of $13.53 per week


This allowance is based on a working condition or a disability as part of working a shift.

Should you withhold tax?

Withhold tax from this allowance

Should super be paid on this allowance?

This allowance forms part of ordinary times earnings

Should payroll tax be paid on this allowance?

Include this allowance for payroll tax purposes

How is it treated on the payment summary?

Include this allowance as part of gross wages

How should it be reported for Single Touch Payroll?


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