Allowance Description
Where an employee is broadcast, telecast, filmed or recorded from a theatre or other place of entertainment, in addition to the appropriate rate of pay the employee will receive a minimum payment of $136.00 per radio broadcast for a call up to 3 hours in which there can be 21 minutes of finished material, and
for any time worked in excess of the initial 3-hour call in respect of completion of the initial 21 minutes of finished recording, the employee will be paid 150% of the minimum hourly rate, with a minimum payment of one hour.
What to pay
$156.08 per performance
This allowance is based on a working condition or a disability as part of working a shift.
Should you withhold tax?
Withhold tax from this allowance
Should super be paid on this allowance?
This allowance forms part of ordinary times earnings
Should payroll tax be paid on this allowance?
Include this allowance for payroll tax purposes
How is it treated on the payment summary?
Include this allowance as part of gross wages
How should it be reported for Single Touch Payroll?