Relieving Allowance

Award Definition

Fire Fighting Industry Award 2010 [MA000111]

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Applies from: 01/07/2023

Allowance Description

An employee required to do relieving duty away from their appointed station, where the distance between their appointed station and their duty station is greater than 100 kilometres measured by the shortest distance by road, will receive:

  • an allowance of $31.64 per shift, 
  • when off duty, the cost of reasonable accommodation, not at the duty station, dinner and breakfast and a meal allowance, and 
  • the expenses for the journey to their duty station, prior to commencing relieving duty at the station and for the return journey, at the completion of the tour of relieving duty at the station.

What to pay

$31.64 per shift


This allowance is based on a working condition or a disability as part of working a shift.

Should you withhold tax?

Withhold tax from this allowance

Should super be paid on this allowance?

This allowance forms part of ordinary times earnings

Should payroll tax be paid on this allowance?

Include this allowance for payroll tax purposes

How is it treated on the payment summary?

Include this allowance as part of gross wages

How should it be reported for Single Touch Payroll?


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