A stapled super fund is an existing superannuation account that is "stapled" or linked to an individual employee. This concept was introduced as part of reforms to reduce the number of unintended multiple superannuation accounts held by employees when they change jobs. The ATO is responsible for maintaining this record.
The stapled super fund service allows you to request the employee’s stapled super fund details directly from the ATO. Before you can request the details of an employee's stapled super fund, you need to set up the integration with the ATO. This article explains how to set up that integration.
Enable Superfund Stapling
1. Ensure that the ATO integration for Single Touch Payroll (STP) is active. If you are unsure how to activate this integration, refer to the article “How do I enable the ATO Integration for Single Touch Payroll (STP)?”
2. Configure the Payroll Software ID in the ATO Access Manager
- From the dashboard, click Payroll settings, then ATO settings.
- Click Electronic Lodgment and STP.
- Copy the Software ID number.
- Log in to the ATO Business Manager tool.
- Follow the ATO's instructions about how to add a software ID. These can be found on the ATO's website here.
- Once the Software ID has been added, you will be ready to request the Stapled Super details of your employees.
Request Stapled Superfund Details
By using the 'Request Super Stapling' feature in the employee file, you can send a request to the ATO to identify the employee’s stapled super fund. If successful, the employee’s superannuation details will automatically populate in the relevant fields within your Payroll platform.
1.Check you are allowed to request the employee's stapled super
Ensure that the following criteria are met before requesting a stapled super:
- No super details have been entered by the employee, and 21 days have elapsed since the employee's start date (Day 1 is the start date).
- A TFN Declaration has been submitted electronically to the ATO through a Single touch payroll (STP) event.
- The employee has been paid and included in a successful STP event.
If the above is not met, you will not be able to request stapled super details from the ATO.
2. Request the Stapled Superfund Details
- Log into your Payroll platform.
- Click the Employee menu.
- Click the List submenu.
- Click on the employee's name you want to request the stapled super for.
- Click Super Funds.
- Click Request stapled super fund. This will send a request to the ATO.
- If successful, the employee’s stapled super fund details will automatically populate in their file. The ‘Request Super Stapling' button’ will be available to select until the employee's superannuation details have been populated - then it will disappear.
Super Stapling Report
What is it?
The Employee Super Stapling report lets you track the status of superannuation requests sent to, and responses received, from the ATO. This report provides a detailed overview of all employees whose superannuation details have been queried, allowing you to monitor and manage this aspect of your payroll process. You can customise the report by filtering results based on date range, location, employee, and the status of your requests, enabling you to focus on the specific details that matter most to your business.
- Log in to your Payroll Platform.
- Click the Reports menu.
- Click Employee Super Stapling, within the ATO Reporting section.
- Use the Filters to choose:
- Date range
- Location
- Employee
- Status
- Click Run Report.
- The employees and the details of the queries will appear in the Employee Superannuation Stapling Details section.